Worship with us
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601 Michigan St
Leavenworth, KS 66048
We meet at Shiloh Seventh-day Adventist church.
“Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.” - Psalm 2:11
Our Worship
We gather each Sunday to be renewed in the relationship (or covenant) that has been established with us in the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus. And since it is God Himself who has established this covenant, we look to His Word to tell us how to approach Him in worship.
Our Liturgy - Reverent worship spilling out of joyful hearts
Call to Worship:
After the Fall, man does not naturally desire or seek God. So in salvation, God graciously initiates. The Spirit calls us to faith in Christ, and as believers, God calls us to worship Him.
Confession of Sin:
As we come into God’s holy presence, we are reminded that in so many ways we fall short of what God requires. Together in prayer, we acknowledge our wrongdoing, turn from our sins, and seek the mercy and forgiveness promised by Jesus Christ.
The glory of the gospel is that God lavishes His grace upon us. We are not left merely forgiven, but Christ also equips us to serve Him and extend His kingdom by teaching us from His Word.
Weekly communion reminds us that through Christ we are at peace with God and one another. Jesus is the bread of life, and there is no life apart from Him.
Having been cleansed and consecrated by God, and having enjoyed worshipful communion with Him, we are sent forth from worship to glorify and enjoy God, and to be salt, light, and leaven in the world for Him.
A sample of our bulletin can be found here.
The Lord’s Day
Reverent Worship.
God is not to be trifled with. When we gather on the Lord’s Day, we are gathering to worship the King of the universe. But God has commanded us to come into his presence with gladness, singing, thanksgiving and praise (Psalm 100). Our worship services seek a joyful reverence, not a dead one.
Fellowship Meal.
Most Sundays, we gather for a fellowship meal immediately following the worship service. We break bread and enjoy one another’s company as we feast together.
Psalm Sings.
Two Sundays and one Friday per month, we gather for Psalm Sings, to write the Psalms on our hearts. We learn new songs, and practice familiar ones, because we want our singing to be true, and beautiful.